The Shaggy Inkcap -
Coprinus comatus is an edible species and one that is sort after in many regions where people harvest wild mushrooms. This species of fungi is one that self digests an so it needs to be picked young and cooked within a day. I am yet to sample its culinary qualities but I happen to know where there are some growing and with 20mm of rain here yesterday I'm thinking there may well be some nice young ones emerging. I'll keep you informed on how I find them.

The last couple of images show Coprinus as it almost completes digesting itself. This is a very good means of identification.
hi Peter,
that's an excellent series of Coprinus photographs showing various states of growth and decay.
Was it all the same fungus photographed? And how long from start to finish?
Thanks Gaye,
The images are actually of a small patch that had examples of each stage of growth. They were all taken on the same day, just after we had quite a substantial fall of rain. I think that is why the fungus in the last image is so decayed as the rain washed much of it away. There are some more growing now in the same place so I hope to observe them more closely and also pick some to eat now that I'm positive of the identity.
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