I came across this pink one which I've not seen before. It has one trait which I didn't note until I'd taken the pic, the edge of the gills are the same colour as the top.

Then I found this one which was a bit nondescript above but magic from below

A walk in the afternoon was glorious in the autumn sun and I made a couple of interesting finds.
Not sure what this brown one is, however it is so distinctive in appearance that I think it should be relatively easy to identify. I'll post an ID as soon as I have one

On the way home I came across a small group of fungi that had been overwhelmed by a mould of some description. They smelt even more revolting than they looked.

Well it is now the 27th of April and there is some more rain falling, soft but steady and enough to do some good. Should soon be a lot more fungi popping their heads up so that I can shove a lens at them. I'll keep you posted
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